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  • Could Post-Meal Fatigue Indicate an Enzyme Shortfall? Understanding Enzymes and Their Selection

Could Post-Meal Fatigue Indicate an Enzyme Shortfall? Understanding Enzymes and Their Selection

March 13, 2024

Could Post-Meal Fatigue Indicate an Enzyme Shortfall? Understanding Enzymes and Their Selection

Could Post-Meal Fatigue Indicate an Enzyme Shortfall? Understanding Enzymes and Their Selection

Ever find yourself feeling tired or in need of a nap right after eating? Or maybe you're dealing with ongoing digestive issues like gas or indigestion? While these might seem like minor daily annoyances, often linked to diet, sleep patterns, or blood sugar levels, there's another vital factor that's frequently overlooked: enzymes. These crucial catalysts play a fundamental role in our body's digestion, metabolism, and cell repair processes. The connection between a deficiency in enzymes and various health issues is complex, suggesting that insufficient enzyme levels can significantly detract from our quality of life.

Why Do We Need Enzymes?

As we age, it's natural for our bodies to produce fewer enzymes, a decline that's hastened by factors such as stress, exposure to environmental pollutants, and inconsistent eating habits. To counteract this, supplementing our enzyme intake becomes essential for sustaining health. By incorporating enzyme-rich foods or selecting high-quality enzyme supplements, we can help maintain the necessary levels of enzymes, thereby improving our digestive health, boosting metabolic efficiency, and ensuring our bodies remain in peak condition.

What Are Enzymes?

Enzymes are specialized proteins that catalyze the chemical reactions occurring within our bodies, playing a critical role in processes such as digestion, cellular energy production, metabolism, and detoxification. Our bodies contain over a thousand different enzymes, each with its specific function and operating in unique biochemical pathways. Their precise action, akin to a key fitting into its lock, ensures the smooth progression of chemical reactions, preventing disorder. Enzymes' effectiveness is modulated by factors like temperature, pH levels, and the concentration of substrates, fine-tuning their operation to uphold our physiological balance and stability.

The Power of the Enzyme Trio: Catalyzing Health from Food to Cells

In the fascinating realm of enzymes, we discover three pivotal types that are fundamental to our health and energy: digestive enzymes, metabolic enzymes, and food enzymes. Together, they weave a complex network that supports our overall well-being.

Here's a closer look at these enzyme categories for a better understanding of their roles and benefits:



Examples & Functions




Digestive Enzymes

Known as "food scissors," these enzymes cut large food molecules into smaller ones, absorbed pieces, easing the digestion process and lightening the metabolic load.

1. Proteases: Break down proteins into amino acids.

2. Amylase: Splits carbohydrates into simple sugars like glucose.

3. Lipase: Secreted by the pancreas, primarily breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

Decompose proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and nucleic acids from large to small molecules for absorption.

Saliva, stomach, and intestines.

Can be naturally produced by the body or supplemented through a healthy diet and specific enzyme supplements.

Food Enzymes

Natural helpers in food that assist in the early stages of digestion by "pre-processing," nutrient for better absorption.

1. Proteases Enzymes in fruits and vegetables, like pineapple, papaya, and kiwi enzymes.

2. Digestive Enzymes in fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, miso, and yeast-fermented bread.

3. Enzymes in other foods, like raw dairy, raw honey, raw nuts, and seeds, aid digestion and absorption.

Assist digestion, especially in breaking down proteins, reducing the internal digestive enzyme load.

Early stages of digestion.

Consuming enzyme-rich fresh fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed fermented foods.

Metabolic Enzymes

Acting as the body's "engineers" and "messengers, “ these enzymes facilitate physiological reactions, including cell repairing, energy production, and maintaining physiological balance within body.

1. Citrate Synthase: Crucial for ATP energy production.

2. DNA Polymerase: Necessary for DNA replication and repair.

3. Protein Kinases: Key components of the intracellular signaling network.

4. Cytochrome c oxidase: energy generation.

Involved in energy production, cell repair and replication, signaling, and utilizing oxygen to generate energy.

Inside cells.

Balanced diet ensuring adequate intake of trace elements and vitamins, especially B vitamins and antioxidants.

Understanding the unique functions of these enzymes and their interplay significantly boosts our health and life quality. Through balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, we can efficiently facilitate these enzymes' harmonious operation, keeping our bodies in prime health.

Enzymes vs. Probiotics: Key Allies in Digestive Wellness

Curiosity often arises regarding the similarity in benefits between enzymes and probiotics. Indeed, both play important roles in sustaining digestive health, yet their mechanisms of action are uniquely distinct. This distinction allows them to complement each other effectively, ensuring the digestive system functions optimally.

Enzymes take the lead in the digestive process, primarily breaking down food into smaller molecules, thus simplifying absorption. This initial step is vital for efficient nutrient uptake and overall digestive ease.

Probiotics enter the scene during the latter stages, where they enhance nutrient absorption and support intestinal motility. This contributes to smoother bowel movements and a balanced gut microbiome, pivotal for overall digestive health.

This complementary relationship between enzymes and probiotics underscores a synergistic approach to maintaining digestive health, embodying a holistic impact on the gut ecosystem.







Active Agents

Active substances

Active substances

Primary Functions

Facilitate food breakdown and digestion, participate in energy production, cell growth and repair, reducing the bodily burden of digesting food.

Enhance gut flora health, modulate immunity, aid in nutrient absorption, and ensure smooth bowel movements.

Ideal for

Individuals with digestive issues

Those seeking to boost immunity or improve gut health


Optimal when consumed after meals to aid in food breakdown.

Best consumed on an empty stomach in the morning or before bed to maximize benefits to gut health.

〈Extended reading:Are Higher CFU Probiotics More Effective? How to Choose the Ideal Probiotic?
〈Extended reading:Unraveling Probiotics: Savor and Absorb Through Delectable Candy-like Dosage Supplements!

Which Groups Need Additional Enzyme Supplementation?

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, with excessive work, late nights, a tendency towards processed food consumption, our bodies are often pushed to their limits. The lifestyle can lead to the depletion of coenzymes and a resultant deficiency in B-vitamins, crucial for enzyme activity in the body. Our diet and lifestyle significantly impact our health, and certain groups may need additional enzyme supplementation to ensure optimal body function. Let's explore who stands to gain from this supplemental support:

1.    Individuals with Digestive Issues:

Those experiencing frequent indigestion, bloating, or specific conditions may benefit from enzyme supplements, which improve the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

2.    People with an Imbalanced Diet:

A diet heavy in processed foods can impair our natural enzymes' production and activity. If you often eat out, neglect fresh produce, or consume processed foods regularly, enzyme supplementation can help restore balance.

3.    Frequent Diners on Rich Diets:

Meals laden with fats and proteins can overload the body's natural digestive enzyme capacity, making supplementation beneficial.

4.    Individuals with Swallowing Difficulties or Poor Chewing Function: 

An inability to chew food thoroughly reduces the efficiency of digestion, requiring more enzymes for complete digestion.

5.    Older Adults:

With age, enzyme production tends to decrease, making supplementation a useful aid in maintaining digestive health and overall vitality.

6.    People Experiencing Unexplained Fatigue:

Ongoing tiredness without a clear cause could be a sign of enzyme deficiency, impacting the body's ability to convert nutrients into energy.

7.    Active Individuals and Fitness Enthusiasts:

The heightened physical demands of regular, intense exercise can elevate the body's enzyme requirements, where supplementation aids in faster recovery and enhanced metabolism.

8.    Those with Specific Food Intolerances:

Individuals, for example, with lactose intolerance lack enough lactase enzyme to digest lactose in dairy products efficiently. Adding lactase supplements can aid in better dairy digestion.

9.    Patients Undergoing Certain Medical Treatments:

Treatments such as chemotherapy can reduce enzyme production and secretion, where additional supplements play a crucial role in supporting the body's functions.

For those identified in these groups, integrating enzyme supplementation could be a pivotal strategy for fostering a more balanced and healthful lifestyle.

Good Eating Habits: Activating Natural Energy

Good Eating Habits: Activating Natural Energy

Understanding the integral role enzymes play in our body’s biochemical processes highlights the importance of not just the enzymes produced internally but also those we intake through our diet. A well-rounded diet, incorporating the six primary food groups—whole grains, legumes and lean proteins, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats and nuts—provides the essential nutrients necessary for our well-being.

Selecting the right food sources is key to enhancing and activating our body's natural enzymes. Here are some tailored recommendations to optimize your enzyme intake:



Additional Information

Starchy Staples

Whole grains like brown rice, mixed grains, sweet potatoes

High in B vitamins, crucial coenzymes for bodily enzymes

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

1.     Fruits: Pineapples, papayas, citrus, kiwis, bananas, pears, apples, avocados, grapefruits, etc.

2. Vegetables: Yam, onions, bean sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, etc.

1. Enhances digestion and nutrient absorption

2. Raw, fresh produce are key sources of enzymes

Fermented Foods

Quality fermented products like yogurt, natto, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, etc.

Rich in active enzymes and probiotics to support gut health

High-Quality Proteins

Lean cuts from beef, chicken, pork, seafood, egg yolks, and legumes.

1. Proteins are decomposed by enzymes, boosting metabolism

2. Packed with B vitamins vital for the body’s enzymes

Nuts and Seeds

Active varieties such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, etc.

Contain natural enzymes to speed up food breakdown


Water, natural fruit juices

1. Assists enzyme activity and metabolic support

2. Drinking 200ml of water hourly is advised for steady hydration and improved absorption.

Common Enzyme Supplements

Common Enzyme Supplements

Even with a balanced diet, achieving the necessary enzyme intake can sometimes fall short. For example, the core of pineapples, a known source of beneficial enzymes, is often discarded due to its taste, leading to a missed opportunity for enzyme consumption. In such cases, supplementing with health products offers a viable solution to support the body's enzymatic needs.

Thanks to advances in biotechnology, specific enzymes can now be produced through sophisticated fermentation processes. However, it's important to note that most enzyme supplements on the market are derived from fermenting animal, plant, or microbial sources. These supplements aim to fulfill two primary functions: preventing enzyme deficiencies and supplementing the body's own enzyme production to reduce metabolic stress.

Here's a brief guide to the various enzyme supplements available, including their sources and benefits:

Type of Enzyme Supplement



Additional Information

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

1. Plant extracts: Papaya enzymes

2. Animal sources: Pancreatic enzymes, pepsin, gastric enzymes, etc.

Aid in food digestion, prevent gastrointestinal discomfort, and promote intestinal health

Beneficial for those experiencing indigestion and difficulty in breaking down food

Protein Enzyme Supplements

1. Plant extracts: Pineapple enzymes, papaya enzymes, watermelon enzymes

2. Animal sources: Protease, pancreatin, etc.

Help in protein breakdown, enhance muscle synthesis, and boost energy level

Ideal for athletes or individuals seeking to improve muscle mass and energy

Starch Enzyme Supplements

1. Sake lees enzymes

2. Plant extracts: Mango enzymes, banana enzymes, etc.

Assist in starch breakdown, facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates

Beneficial for addressing digestive issues related to starch-rich foods

Fat Enzyme Supplements

Plant extracts: Green tea enzymes, fig enzymes, koji enzymes, etc.

Help in fat breakdown, reduce fat absorption, assist in weight management

Primarily from plant extracts, suitable for those focusing on weight management or improving fat metabolism

Special Function Enzymes

1. Microbial enzymes: Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, etc.

2. Plant extracts - Antioxidant enzymes: Barley grass, wheatgrass, green broccoli, kale, etc.

Aid in eliminating free radicals, enhance immunity, prevent oxidative damage

1. Microbial enzymes are derived from various fruits and vegetables through fermentation 2. Dark green plants are rich in antioxidant enzymes

How to Choose Enzymes? Selecting the Most "Effective" Options

Understanding the health benefits enzymes offer, finding the right enzyme supplement is crucial. With the vast array of options available, the task may seem overwhelming. By following these critical guidelines, you can navigate towards the most effective and safest enzyme supplements, avoiding those with potentially harmful ingredients.

1.    Ingredient Review:

Avoid supplements containing laxatives such as senna fruit, senna leaf extracts, cassia seed, and buckthorn extract. Their long-term use can increase the metabolic load on your body.

2.    Enzyme Diversity:

Since enzymes have specific actions, choosing a supplement with a wide variety ensures support for diverse digestive functions and comprehensive nutrient breakdown.

3.    Activity Unit Labeling:

Check that the supplement label displays the amount of activity units, which verifies the product's potency and effectiveness.

4.    Enzyme Source:

Prefer supplements sourced from fungal cultures, known for their uniform quality and lack of strong fermentation odors.

5.    Patented Ingredients:

Select products with patented ingredients, which have undergone extensive testing for effectiveness and safety, offering reassurance in both performance and health safety.

6.    SGS Testing:

Seek out products that have undergone SGS testing, with results available to the public, providing an extra layer of assurance in food safety.

Remember, enzyme supplements are intended to complement, not replace, a balanced diet. The most beneficial enzymes are those found in unprocessed, natural foods. While enzyme supplements are widely used, it's important to approach them with caution. Their safety and efficacy are subjects for ongoing research. Always consult with healthcare professionals and make informed decisions based on your specific health needs.

Boncha Bio's Pioneering Journey: Introducing All-In-One Enzyme Candy Capsules

In today's health-conscious world, Boncha Bio stands at the forefront of enzyme supplement innovation with its enzyme candyceutical. This inventive solution ingeniously overcomes the drawbacks of traditional enzyme supplements, offering a unique blend of science and taste. By employing advanced processing technologies and maintaining strict control over our low-temperature and low-pressure production processes, we ensure the highest level of enzyme activity and effectiveness from the moment they are produced until they reach the consumer.

Addressing the challenge of enzyme degradation in the stomach's acidic environment, our candy capsules utilize state-of-the-art encapsulation technology to enhance enzyme stability. This method not only protects the enzymes throughout the digestive process but also ensures optimal release and absorption in the small intestine, significantly improving bioavailability. Additionally, our innovative flavor-masking techniques transform enzymes that might otherwise have an unpleasant taste into a enjoyable experience. This strategic approach greatly increases enzyme activity and availability, offering consumers a superior health supplement that encourages increased usage.

If you're interested in Boncha Bio's cutting-edge technology and products or wish to explore incorporating these advancements into your products, we invite you to contact us. Boncha Bio is committed to enhancing health and vitality through the power of enzymes.

〈Extended reading: Harnessing the Power and Efficacy of Functional Candies: A New Era in Nutritional Supplements with ODM Candy-like Capsules


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