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  • Is Tooth Sensitivity a Warning Sign of Broader Oral Health Issues? How Can Nutrition Assist?

Is Tooth Sensitivity a Warning Sign of Broader Oral Health Issues? How Can Nutrition Assist?

February 27, 2024

Ever experienced a sudden twinge of discomfort in your teeth while enjoying hot or cold delicacies? Or perhaps, upon waking, discovered a peculiar, lingering taste in your mouth? Maybe you've noticed slight bleeding in your gums during your daily brushing or flossing routine? These seemingly minor signs may actually be your oral health's way of whispering for help.

Consider this: Over 80% of individuals over 18 suffer from periodontal disease, according to Taiwan’s Health Insurance Administration, with some studies indicating rates above 90%. Moreover, findings by the Australian Dental Association, as of October 2022, indicate that one third of children between ages 5-6 years old have already faced the ordeal of cavities in their primary teeth.

Oral diseases have become a significant public health challenge worldwide. The Global Oral Health Status Report 2022 shows that at least 3.5 billion people globally are affected by oral diseases, with dental caries (tooth decay) being the most common, as highlighted by the Global Burden of Disease 2019.

Echoing the gravity of this matter, the World Health Organization declares, "Oral health is essential to overall health and well-being." Indeed, the mouth is not only the gateway to our digestive system, influencing our general health, but also plays an integral role in how we communicate and express emotions. This article aims to deepen your understanding of oral health's importance and arm you with actionable healthcare strategies.


Lifestyle Choices Impacting Oral Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a proverb: 'Our gums mirror the health of our kidneys, and our teeth, akin to bones, reflect kidney energy.' This illustrates how oral health is deeply intertwined with our overall physical well-being. Such ancient insights enriches our understanding, reminding us that caring for our mouth is caring for our entire body.

The oral cavity is a bustling ecosystem for microbial life, home to over 700 species of anaerobic bacteria. These microscopic inhabitants are responsible not only for tooth decay, gum disease, and halitosis but also may affect general health via the circulatory and respiratory systems. The occurrence of oral health issues is rarely random; rather, it is closely linked to our daily lifestyle choices:

1.    Dietary Influences on Oral Health:

  • High-Sugar Foods: Sweets like pastries, biscuits, and candies foster the proliferation of harmful oral bacteria.
  • ​​​​​​Acidic Beverages: Drinks like sodas and fruit juices contain acids that can wear away at tooth enamel.
  • Sticky Foods: Substances like caramel and jelly adhere to teeth, posing cleaning challenges.

2.    Inadequate Oral Hygiene Habits:

  • Brushing Techniques: Poor coverage during brushing leads to insufficient cleaning.
  • Dental Floss: Not flossing allows food remnants and plaque to build up between teeth.
  • Toothbrush Replacement: Using a worn-out toothbrush compromises its cleaning effectiveness.

3.    Lifestyle Factors:

  • Smoking: Delays healing of oral lesions and increases the risk of gum disease.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Disrupts the balance of oral microbes, increasing the risk of oral health issues.

4.    Vulnerable Groups:

  • Chronic Conditions: People with conditions like diabetes or heart disease are at a greater risk of oral health problems.
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes increase gum sensitivity and bleeding, raising the likelihood of gum disease.
  • Medication Side Effects: Some medications can induce dry mouth, posing additional risks to oral health.


The Impact of Common Oral Health Issues

Our daily routines, often filled with habits harmful to oral health, can lead to a range of common yet serious conditions. These issues do more than just affect our daily lives; they can have long-term consequences on our holistic health.




Further Reading

Cavities (Dental Caries)

The decomposition of carbohydrates by oral bacteria produces acids. Inadequate oral hygiene facilitates plaque and subsequent acid erosion of teeth.

Can cause tooth pain and sensitivity, leading to the necessity of root canal treatment or extraction in severe cases.

Cavities and tooth decay

Periodontal Disease

Stemming from prolonged accumulation of plaque and tartar, it incites gum inflammation, thereby impairing the gums and jawbone.

Manifests as loose teeth and bleeding gums, with the risk of eventual tooth loss.

Gum Disease Information

(Bad Breath)

Results from the bacterial breakdown of food residues, cell debris, and oral secretions, potentially linked to gum disease, thick tongue coatings, or systemic conditions.

Impacts social interactions and personal confidence.

Bad Breath Prevention

Oral Ulcers

Arising from poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, or lowered immunity, these painful mucosal ulcers affect oral comfort.

Challenges daily activities like eating and speaking, thus diminishing life quality.

Care for Canker Sore

Sensitive Teeth

Caused by enamel degradation or exposed tooth roots.

Leads to discomfort from temperature and sweetness sensitivity, impairing enjoyment of various foods.

Care for Tooth Sensitivity


Prevention and Resolution: Crafting a Robust Oral Health Defense

The global commitment to oral health is underscored by World Oral Health Day on March 20th, a joint initiative by the FDI World Dental Federation and Japan's 8020 dental health campaign, emphasizing the importance of awareness and proactive care. Integrating simple, yet effective strategies into our daily routines, we can prevent oral health problems and secure optimal oral hygiene.

1.    Effective Oral Hygiene Practices:

  • The 333 Brushing Rule: Aim to brush at least three times daily, each session lasting a minimum of three minutes, preferably within three minutes post-meal to maximize cleanliness.
  • Brushing Methodology: Adpot the Bass technique, angling the brush at 45 degrees towards the gums and using circular motions to thoroughly clean both the tooth surface and the gum line. It’s essential to clean every area, including the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth, to remove food particles and plaque effectively.
  • Inter-Tooth Cleaning: Regular use of dental floss or interdental brushes is crucial for removing food and plaque stuck between teeth.

2.    Routine Dental Assessments:

  • Periodic Check-ups: Scheduling dental appointments every six months or annually is critical for the early detection and treatment of oral health issues.
  • Professional Cleanings: These sessions help eliminate tartar buildup that home cleaning cannot, along with providing any necessary dental restorations.

3.    Nutritional Well-being:

  • Dietary Adjustments: Reduce the intake of high-sugar and acidic foods. Adding fiber-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet boosts saliva production and the natural cleaning of your teeth.
  • Vital Nutrients: Consuming a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C and calcium, is crucial for strong teeth and healthy gums.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Consider using supplements tailored to support oral health needs.

4.    Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Discouraging Unhealthy Habits: Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are essential measures. Both tobacco and alcohol can significantly harm oral health, increasing the risk of gum disease and oral cancer.

5.    Professional Oral Care Products:

  • Selective Toothpaste Use: Choose toothpaste with fluoride or antibacterial properties to boost protection against bacteria and enhance the health of teeth and gums.
  • Mouthwash Benefits: Mouthwashes reach bacteria in areas difficult for brushing and flossing to access. Select products with natural ingredients for gentler care.
  • Sensitive Teeth Solutions: There are products specifically formulated for sensitive teeth that can greatly alleviate discomfort.

By following these straightforward yet effective strategies, we not only prevent oral health problems but also enhance our overall well-being, leading to a brighter and more confident smile.


Nutritional Allies for Oral Health

Are you aware that specific nutrients can serve as your primary defense against tooth sensitivity and gum disease? These essential nutrients play a crucial role in alleviating symptoms and contribute significantly to the overall maintenance and enhancement of oral health. Here's a concise guide outlining key nutrients, their impact on oral health, and the most effective methods for supplementation:


Role in Oral Health

Supplementation Methods


Essential for strengthening teeth and bones, preventing tooth mobility, and ensuring tooth stability.

Low-fat dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and nuts

Persimmon Extract

Known for antibacterial properties, it helps reduce bacterial growth in the mouth, thus enhancing oral hygiene and preventing cavities and bad breath.

Persimmon extract supplements.

Oral Probiotics

Critical for maintaining the mouth's microbial balance, these probiotics inhibit harmful bacterial growth, reducing the risk of periodontal disease and cavities.

Probiotic supplements or probiotic-rich foods like yogurt.

Vitamin A

Supports oral epithelial cell health, prevents dryness, and promotes gum health.

Orange-colored vegetables and fruits, cheese, dairy products, and liver

B Vitamins

Play a vital role in maintaining oral mucosa health, preventing mouth ulcers, and reducing oral discomfort.

Whole grains, lean meats, peas, and yeast.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Helps prevent cracked lips and mouth ulcers, fostering overall oral health.

Dairy or whole grain foods, such as almonds, black & red beans, sesame, animal liver, and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin B6

Prevents cheilitis and bad breath, maintaining oral health.

Protein-rich foods like liver, peas, yeast, meats, fish, carrots, and spinach.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 

Promotes oral health and reduces inflammation in the mouth.

Protein-rich foods and mushrooms.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)

Aids in cell growth and division, helping repair oral mucosa.

Dark green vegetables, root vegetables, tuna, beef, and animal liver.

Vitamin B12

Reduces the occurrence of mouth ulcers and supports oral health.

Protein-rich foods and mushrooms.

Vitamin C

Crucial for gum health, preventing gum bleeding.

Rresh fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D

Enhances the absorption and utilization of calcium, strengthening teeth and bones.

Get sunlight exposure, and cod liver oil, egg yolks, fish, liver, and milk.


Prevents anemia which can lead to pale and easily bleeding gums.

Animal liver, oysters, lean meats, poultry, fish, dried beans, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains.


Facilitates wound healing, improves oral immunity, and helps maintain gum health, preventing oral diseases.

Oysters, lean meats, pork liver, fish, egg yolks, beans, peanuts, millet, and radishes.


Supports the structural health of teeth and promotes gum health.

Dark green vegetables, beans, whole wheat products, dairy, and seafood.

By thoughtfully adjusting our diets and incorporating these nutrients, we can not only address minor oral health concerns but also significantly boost our oral health, ensuring a confident and radiant smile.

Boncha Bio's Candyceuticals: The Comprehensive Guardian of Oral Health

Beyond merely inventing a new candyceutical, Boncha Bio's venture represents a significant leap in oral healthcare innovation. At its heart, this innovation ensures that nutrients linger longer in the oral cavity, unleashing their full health potential. This approach is rooted in traditional oral care wisdom, which suggests that the beneficial effects of toothpaste—especially those formulated for periodontal health—are enhanced when not rinsed off immediately after brushing. This method allows the active ingredients ample time to act on the teeth and gums effectively.

The sugar-free candy capsules designed by Boncha Bio elevate this principle. Utilizing a sugar-free formula, they bypass the problem of oral bacteria converting sugars into harmful acids, thereby preventing the formation of a tooth-damaging acidic environment. More than just their pleasant taste, these capsules are engineered to release active ingredients, including oral probiotics, precisely where needed, ensuring they remain in the mouth long enough to reach even the hard-to-access spaces between teeth. This focused approach underscores Boncha Bio's commitment to boosting the efficacy of their oral health products.

These candyceuticals form an integral part of a comprehensive oral health regimen, featuring extracts like persimmon for its antibacterial properties, xylitol to prevent cavities, calcium to strengthen teeth, and essential vitamins to promote overall oral wellness. By packaging these nutrients in a novel candy capsule format, Boncha Bio provides a holistic solution to oral care, aimed not only at preventing dental issues but also at improving the general well-being of its users. Boncha Bio is committed to fostering better oral health through scientific innovation, ensuring every smile is as vibrant and healthy as possible. Contact Boncha Bio today to embark on a journey toward a brighter, healthier oral future for your consumers.

〈Extended reading: Harnessing the Power and Efficacy of Functional Candies: A New Era in Nutritional Supplements with ODM Candy-like Capsules


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