Gastrointestinal Health

An unhealthy microbiota in our GI tract is at the root of many conditions like diarrhea and bloating. Our probiotic candyceuticals help to grow a community of good bacteria in your GI tract, vastly improving your GI and overall health.

Immunity Balance

T-cells are the commanders-in-chief of our immune system, with Th1 and Th2 being the most pivotal. If either is out of balance, it can trigger autoimmune diseases. So keeping our immune system in balance is vital to staying healthy.

Sleeping Aid

Two out of ten people suffer from sleep disorders, and insufficient sleep is now a public health epidemic. Yet people worry about addiction and side effects with sleeping pills. Our sleep aid product is the alternative they’ve been looking for.


If too much screen time was bad before, work-from-home has made it ten times worse. The onset of blurred vision and eye diseases is now happening even earlier. We’ve created eye care candyceuticals to counter this and give people brighter eyes for a brighter life.

Intimate Care

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common bacterial infection among women, and most women experience vaginal infection at least once in their lifetime. Besides frequent urination and itching, women are most annoyed by recurrent episodes. Our line of intimate care supplements reduces such discomforts and gives women back their quality of life.

Knee-joint Care

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis among the elderly. The pain makes them less willing to walk, and inactivity then worsens arthritic degeneration. Research shows insufficient nutrition and nutrient absorption to be a cause of arthritis, so BonchaBio has developed knee joint candyceuticals to help our elderly absorb nutrients better, stay active, and live free.

Body Odor Reduction

Body odor affects both genders and all ages, but it can get worse with age. Past the age of 40, our skin produces more of 2-Nonenal, which is the leading cause of body odor. By removing 2-Nonenal and preventing the oxidation of Omega-7 fatty acids on the skin surface, we can reduce unpleasant body odors, and keep your body smelling great for all seasons and occasions.

Blood Circulation

Strokes are the leading cause of disability worldwide and the fifth leading cause of death. And the risk goes up with age. The good news? According to the CDC and the Stroke Association, 4 out of 5 strokes are preventable. So we designed candyceuticals that help improve blood flow and mitigate risks.
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